Iron Star Equestrian
The Spring Event
Schooling Horse Show
March 21, 2015
Judge: Beth Barritt "R"
Closing Date: March 16, 2015
Entries must be received or postmarked by this date in order to be considered "On Time". Entries received after this date will be considered "Late" and will have a $15 office fee added. No Dressage, Event or Combined Test entries will be accepted after the closing date. Jumpers Only.
Schooling will be open the entire week after the closing date by appointment.
Cross Country Course will be open from 10am til 6pm on Friday March 20.
Schooling is FREE with your ON TIME horse show entry the week before the show (March 16-20). If you would like to school but have not entered the show or have entered the show after the closing date, schooling is $15.
This horse show is FHTA Sanctioned, a SWDEA Affiliate and Thoroughbred Incentive Program Approved.
Riders who have not submitted a COMPLETE ENTRY will not be included on the ride times. Once the entry is COMPLETE (Entry Form, Coggins, Waiver and PAYMENT), riders will be assigned a number and a ride time. Ride Times will be EMAILED to competitors and posted to this page no later than WEDNESDAY March 17th.
Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP):
Iron Star Equestrian was selected as a Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) Horse Show organizer. We will be offering High Score Dressage Thoroughbred, High Score Jumper Thoroughbred, Low Score Event Thoroughbred, Low Score Combined Test Thoroughbred and High Score Western Dressage Thoroughbred. Please have your horse registered with the TIP program prior to the show and be sure to include your horses' TIP number on the entry form. Horses can be registered for free at
Classes Offered:
All USEF and USDF Tests - Intro through Grand Prix
Please refer to the USEF and USDF rules for Dressage. Bell Boots are allowed in Dressage at Iron Star shows. If you have any questions about specific tack items, please contact us prior to the show. We will be giving a High Score Junior Award, High Score Amateur Award and High Score Open Award at the end of the day.
Musical Free Style Dressage:
We would like to see everyone's creativity by offering Musical Freestyle Classes! The USDF has guidelines for Training Level and up. They can be found HERE. Test Sheets can be found HERE. Please bring your own music on a CD or iPod. We will have a sound system specially for these classes.
Quadrille and Pas De Deux:
We would also like to offer Quadrilles and Pas De Deux just to change things up a bit! Those are also regulated by USDF. Pas De Deux Rules. Quadrille Rules.
Test Sheets can be found HERE.
Tests are $25 each or $65 for all three tests in the same level.
Musical tests are $30 each.
Western Dressage:
All WDAA Tests - Intro through Level 3 and Freestyle.
Western Dressage riders are required to wear a helmet. We will be giving a High Score Overall Western Dressage Award at the end of the day.
Tests are $25 each.
2' Starter Event - Beginner Novice Test A
2'6" Beginner Novice Event - Beginner Novice Test B
3' Novice Event - Novice Test B
Eventing Divisions are $75 each.
12" Cross Rails - Intro A
18" Amoeba Combined Test - Intro B
2' Starter Combined Test - Beginner Novice Test B
2'6" Beginner Novice Combined Test - Beginner Novice A
3' Novice Combined Test - Novice Test A
3'3" Training Combined Test - Training Test A
Combined Test Divisions are $45 each.
Event and Combined Test Classes: Riders will participate in Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country (Event riders only) at their desired height, based on the Divisions offered. Riders must ride all tests and courses from memory. Please refer to USEA rules for Eventing. No Standing Martingales allowed on Cross Country or in Stadium. Vests and Medical Armbands are encouraged but not required. Time will be taken on Cross Country and Stadium but will not have time penalties. For Fence descriptions and photos, Click Here.
Starter Division will be split Junior/Senior. We will be giving a Low Score Junior Award, Low Score Amature Award and Low Score Open Award for Eventers. We will be awarding a Low Score Overall Combined Test.
Eventing Divisions are $75 each.
12" Crossrails
18" Amoeba - Mix of Verticals and Crossrails
2' Starter - All Verticals with gates
2'3" Low- Gates and Fillers with Oxers
2'6" Beginner Novice - Oxers and Combinations
2'9" Intermediate
3' Novice
3'3" Training
Jumper Classes are $20 for individual classes or $35 for both classes in the same height.
Jumper Classes: Open to riders and horses of all levels regardless of show experience. Riders may not enter more than two levels below the highest level entered at this show. Classes may be further divided into JR/SR or Beginner Rider/Beginner Horse if entries warrant. Courses may have roll back turns, bending lines and straight lines. Fences are painted different colors and include gates, half barrels, hay, flowers and panels.
Champion Ribbons will be awarded to each division in which there are two or more riders. Champions must ride in both classes at the same height.
Walk and Lead Line: Open to riders and horses in their first year of showing. Riders may not have previously shown in more than four shows. Riders may be assisted by a trainer or parent. All competitors will enter the Dressage arena at the same time and walk along the rail to be judged. Lead Line is for ages 8 and Under.
Equitation Classes: Open to all riders and horses. Classes may be further divided into Jr/Sr or Beginner Rider/Beginner Horse if entries warrant. All competitors will enter the arena at the same time to be judged. Judging will be based on riders equitation appropriate to the type of saddle they show in.
Equitation and Lead Line classes are $15 each.
Other Fees:
$10 Grounds Fee.
$15 Office Fee if received after March 14th. NO DRESSAGE, EVENT OR COMBINED TEST ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MARCH 14TH. Jumpers Only.